Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dental Procedures 101: What Can You Expect Dentist To Do?

Do you ever wonder what dentists are really capable of doing aside from being a source of your unresolved childhood fears? In all honesty, life is certainly less beautiful if there are no dentists to “scare” us once in a while. If you are having problems with an incorrect bite or if you are exhibiting an overbite due to the irregular growth of your teeth, a dentist may recommend you to have braces. Braces cost differently from one patient to another. The cost truly depends on the patient’s need. At the end of the day, there will always be a price to pay for beauty. 

Aside from braces, you can expect dentists to also perform wisdom tooth extraction. Like the need to wear braces, wisdom tooth extraction varies from one patient to another. If it seems like your wisdom tooth’s growth will affect the positions of your other teeth, then an extraction is necessary. This kind of procedure is mostly common among young adults because that is the time when wisdom teeth grow apparent. 

If for instance you lose some of your molars because of cavities, then dental implants may be recommended as well by your dentist.  If it seems like you cannot afford to have a gap in your teeth, then this kind of procedure may be the best fit for you. Of course, there are other alternatives to dental implants, but with the recent advances in technology today, dental implants are now easy to administer and execute. If your dentist advices you to have dental implant done, think about it first and ask for alternatives if you are not sold on the idea.
Other dental procedures that you can expect from dentists are root canals. A root canal is a procedure that may be discomforting and painful, but some patients have to go through it to save a tooth. Of course, there are anesthetics that can be administered to lower or totally eliminate the pain. 

Aside from these rather monumental dental procedures, you can also expect your dentists to perform relatively simpler treatments such as cleaning, prophylaxis, dental fillings, teeth whitening and extractions. Depending on the condition of your teeth, various dental procedures and treatments will be recommended.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Gift of Good Oral Health

It really pays to have excellent dental hygiene. We all have that experience when we, as kids, have to brave the dental chair and have our teeth checked by the family dentist. The development of trauma is normal since everyone grew up feeling the pain of having their milk teeth extracted with just a piece of cotton. Some dental experiences may be traumatic, but it does pay to face the fear and proceed with the checkup. For adults who have come to conquer this battle with the dental chair, the benefits can be astounding.
It is said that dental hygiene transcends the regular visit to the dentist. Of course, when one brushes his or teeth well before sleeping and in between meals, one can expect less development of plaques and cavities. Aside from the usual teeth brushing and the regular oral prophylaxis from the dentist, flossing and gargling also play a role. This eliminates the possibility of having to go through complex dental procedures such as a root canal, painful tooth extractions and even dental implants. With sound dental hygiene, the benefits are more than just physical. A beautiful smile is a way towards high self-esteem and positive self-concept. 

For kids or adolescents who unfortunately grew up with crooked teeth, incorrect bites, over bite, and other dental irregularities, most dentists advise the procedure of braces or orthodontics. Compared to the relatively older days when braces would mean brackets and wires, today, braces do not necessarily translate that one will be a metal mouth for a good two or three years of his or her life. Advanced technology in orthodontics today can make use of wires and brackets that are hardly obvious; it will be too hard to know if one is wearing braces. 

There are also ways in order to correct these dental irregularities by procedures such as Invisalign. However, most dentists would recommend braces for kids and adolescents with dental irregularities as this is seen more effective in correcting the gaps and the results are more lasting. If you are interested to have your kids wear braces, braces’ cost is relative to the patient’s presentation. The cost will also be dependent on the length and time frame when the braces has to be worn. 

When seeking dental procedures, make sure that you contact and make appointments with a dentist that you trust. If you are new to a city and you want to have a family dentist, ask friends and relatives on dentists that they can recommend to you. Make sure that it is relatively near your home so it will not be a hassle to drive to your dentist’s clinic. If you have kids, it is best that you let them develop the habit of visiting the dentist on a regular basis, and not be afraid to open their mouths for checkups. A healthy attitude towards dental visits is key in developing a sound and healthy oral health. Starting them young will allow them to develop a healthy and helpful response towards their teeth.

The Benefits You Can Reap When You Practice Sound Dental Hygiene

No matter how disappointing or unfortunate it seems, it is true that a lot of people will put more importance towards the improvement of the skin, complexion or facial beauty than their oral hygiene. Though the face is more easily seen by an ordinary onlooker, a bad smile or a good smile can certainly make a significant impact. Actors and actresses, no matter how flawless their skins are, will always take care of their teeth no matter what since the smile really does make or break an image. When one puts primacy towards their respective oral health, the benefits are truly astounding.

Procedures such as dental implants, root canal, oral prophylaxis, cleaning, and teeth whitening are all important at some point in our lives. If for instance we lose a tooth due to cavities, then a dental implant will need to be put in place to make sure that the other teeth will not move. If your front tooth got chipped off accidentally, a root canal procedure might need to be done in order to save the tooth’s life. Oral prophylaxis and cleaning are essential dental procedures that need to be done every 6 months in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Of course, for teeth whitening, this is just for additional aesthetics especially if you have been developing yellow teeth. They say that if you love drinking coffee, carbonated drinks, juices or any colored beverage, you are bound to have teeth discolorations, and a teeth whitening procedure might have to be placed in order. Depending on your immediate need, teeth whitening procedures are essentially preferential. 

There are also other dental procedures that may apply to some people or not. Take for instance the case of braces or orthodontic treatment. Some kids and adults are lucky enough to grow up with great teeth. Their teeth grew in the right places, and there is practically no need to have orthodontic procedures done. There are also those who were unfortunately born with dental irregularities, and this may require the wearing of braces to augment the situation. Kids who display an overbite or kids who have problems with their jaw’s alignment also need to wear braces. What is great about braces despite the high price braces cost is that the benefits and results are long lasting. Patients who wore braces when they were young experience the perks of flashing a set of perfect pearly whites even through their prime adult years. It pays to have a perfect smile especially during the stages of adolescence when one needs to interact with people of the opposite sex. 

Depending on the recommendations of the dentist, various dental procedures need to be done in order to achieve a sound and healthy oral hygiene. If you are willing to pay and shell out a large amount of money towards beauty products, makeup and trips to the dermatologist, you should too when it comes to your oral beauty. It is never wrong to spend big especially when it comes to the maintenance of your teeth.